After graduating from Pratt in1959, a bunch of us joined the
National Guard to avoid being drafted for two years and going to Viet Nam.
The Guard was only 6 months and you then served in the
reserves for what seemed like the rest of your life, meetings once a week, five
weekends a year, and two weeks of camp in the summer.
In those days they did not use the National Guard overseas,
so I was pretty sure no Viet Nam and no two years in the regular Army.
You could get a job, start your life and career, at that
time two years seemed like a lifetime.
To make the whole thing even less noble, I was sent to Fort
Dix in New Jersey for basic training and ended up staying there for the full
six months, a couple of hours from NY. A pretty good deal, although no bragging
rights and no wonderful Army stories about bars in foreign countries, or even
bars in Texas, just Jersey.
My Mother and Jeannine’s family, especially her Grandmother
acted like I was in the real Army suffering in some God forsaken country,
“Granny I’m in Fort Dix, New Jersey, not that much of a God forsaken a place.”
Their concern for me was manifested by sending and bringing
food, lots of it. It is a Greek thing.
Koulouria from Mama and Granny’s great baklava was the
currency I was dealing with.
One piece of baklava was worth 6 brownies at least; one
koulouri got you 2 brownies, two pieces of baklava meant no KP, or guard duty.
Man this stuff was dynamite I could negotiate anything. The
baklava was worth it’s weight in gold.
Granny’s baklava made the Army a snap, “thanks Granny.”