When I was a kid, I was always drawing or eating Pop's chocolate creations. I was lucky. Mom was creative, she had been a seamstress in Paris and Pop was a candy maker.
They encouraged me and were always letting me use the good paper bags to draw on. Mom pushed the brown bags, but Pop let me cut open the good white bags. He was a sport, a "levendes" as they say in Greece.
I went to drawing classes at the Brooklyn Museum and then to SIA, an Art high school in Manhattan. I then attended Pratt Institute where I met my wife who happened to come from an Epirote background, actually Northern Greece, actually Albanian, same religion, made things easier for both of us and especially the families.
Pop and Mom were very advanced, they let me study what I wanted to, and never insisted on me being a doctor or a lawyer. Pop did have one caveat, "if you become an Artist do not become a sissy".
So drawing, horses mostly, led to a job with an International Ad Agency...so do something you love, it mostly works out. Never got to use my drawing of horses in any ads.